CosmosPlanets – Expedition through the Solar System

Recommended for ages 10+.

Planets – Expedition through the Solar System

Mars, Saturn, Jupiter - unmanned space probes have explored all the planets in our solar system and discovered exciting things. So we already know today what astronauts of the future could experience there. But no one has actually visited any of these worlds yet. It will take time for human explorers to venture there.

Only at the planetarium, we can experience these places today exactly as the astronauts of the future will see them. Explore the mighty valleys and volcanoes of Mars, immerse yourself in the swirling clouds of giant planet Jupiter and traverse the rings of Saturn! The natural wonders of the solar system await you.

The underlying findings were provided by remote-controlled space probes, which have explored planets, comets, icy moons, the dwarf planet Pluto and other celestial bodies in detail for the first time in recent years. NASA's Cassini probed the rings and icy moons of Saturn, ESA's Rosetta explored a comet, and NASA's New Horizons became the first visitor to travel from Earth to the dwarf planet Pluto - just three examples of many missions whose discoveries can now be experienced at the planetarium.

Admission 12 euros, reduced 7.50 euros. Duration approx. 45 minutes. Recommended for ages 10+.

You can also listen to this show in English, French and Italian via audio service. Live parts are not translated.

The next dates


14.02. Fri 3:00 pm Available
15.02. Sat 6:00 pm Remaining tickets
18.02. Tue 11:30 am Remaining tickets
19.02. Wed 5:15 pm Available
21.02. Fri 3:00 pm Available
22.02. Sat 6:00 pm Available
26.02. Wed 5:15 pm Available
Further times...