Planetarium Hamburg
State corporation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Cultural Authority)
Linnering 1 (Stadtpark)
22299 Hamburg
Director: Dr. Björn Voss
Commercial Director: Thorsten Pück
Tel.: +49 (40) 428 86 52 -0
Fax: +49 (40) 428 86 52 -99
Email: info(at)
VAT number: DE 1185 09 725
Overall responsibility for content according to Section 6 German Interstate Media Services Agreement (§ 6 MDStV): Dr. Björn Voss
Information on ticket sales
Out-of-court dispute resolution: The European Commission provides an out-of-court online dispute resolution platform, which you can find at (Article 14 (1) Regulation on consumer ODR). The Planetarium state corporation does not participate in dispute resolution procedures under the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) before consumer arbitration boards (§ 36 VSBG).
Conception, design and programming
The layout of the homepage, graphics used, sound documents, individual articles and the collection of articles are protected by copyright.
The articles, in particular the articles in the "Press" section, may be further disseminated by media insofar as the Planetarium Hamburg is named.
The images are protected by copyright. The images and graphics, in particular the images in the "Press" section, may be used by media in accordance with the restrictions specified in each case insofar as the photographer or author for reporting of the Planetarium Hamburg is named.
The pages may only be duplicated for private use, no changes may be made, and no copies may be disseminated without approval.
Image Rights
Other sources:
Audivisual Imagineering AVI
NSC Creative
A Luna Blue
Planetarium Hamburg / ViSU-L GmbH
Frank-Michael Arndt
Michael Björnson
Clark Planetarium
Frank Michael Arndt
Werner Emmerich
Jan-Rasmus Lippels
Planetarium de Saint Etienne
Supervolcanoes Production Group
Andreas Kreuzer
Patrick Lipke
Planetarium Hamburg
Christian Kahl
Evans & Sutherland
Kwon O Chul
American Museum of Natural History
Wayne England
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Tine Acke
Queen Productions Ltd.
Timo Wuerz
The Content Dome
Spitz Creative Media
Starlight Productions
Blu Phase Media München
NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), and The Hubble Heritage Team (
NASA, ESA and Allison Loll/Jeff Hester (Arizona State University). Acknowledgement: Davide D
Fotografenwerk Hamburg
Willy Freivogel
Monika Lawrenz
Marc Petersen
Thomas Leidig
Steffen Gottschling
wikimedia commons, public domain
Oliver Fantitsch
Oblonczyk, lwl
Markus Gardeweg
Jan Haeselich
Reike Jakumeit/NASA
Jens Koch
Carlos Kella
Christian Barz
Tobias Wölki
Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG
Mirage 3D
Felix Broede
HZG/T. Fischer
Jochen Liske
NDR/Cordula Kropke
Chris Youd
Oliver Reetz
frei zum Abdruck
A. Moser
Hans-Ulrich Keller
Cordula Kropke
Martin Teschner
Mauricio Bustamente
Claudia Goedke
Julia Ginsbach
Richard Stoehr
Carsten Witte
Ina Burkert
Andreas Kreutzer / Andreas Denzer
Hamburger Engelsaal
Orren Jack Turner
Thomas Koziel
Darren Miller
Christian Löffler
Brian Foster
NDR / Sebastian Stamm
Audio Visual Imagineering, Inc./Spitz, Inc.
Andreas Denzer / Hamburger Engelsaal
Zukunft denken
Adrian Mann/Icarus Interstellar
NASA/JPL-Caltech/ SETI Institute
ESO/M. Kornmesser
Les Bossinas / NASA
Wolfram Eicke
C. A. Hellhake
Björn Hickmann
Amadeus Guitar Duo
Atelier Schümann, Elmar Meyer-Lovis
Axel Törber
Nathalie Tineo
WikiCommons, Ricardo Lieberato
Peter Habison
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Kosmos Verlag
Rahlf Hansen
Stefan Seip
D. Herrmann
NDR Radiokunst
Fotografenwerkstatt Hamburg
HAW Hamburg
Creative Planet
Michael Zapf
Tristan Ladwein
ESO, M. Kornmesser
Achill und Aaron Moser
Wolfgang Köhler
H.A. Rey & Margret Rey /Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Katja Frauenkron/Planetarium Hamburg
Jens Schulze
Konstantin Odin
Wuppertal Institut
Mirko Hannemann
ESO, B.Tafreshi
Phantom of the Universe
Gotthold Fläschner
NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, and L.
NASA, Pat Rawlings
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises
NASA / JPL-Caltech
Theresa Meyer
Damnation Defaced
Silvia Steinbach
ESO/L. Calçada
NASA, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest/Research Institute/Alex Parker
Otto Wöhrbach
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute/Alex Parker
Rintintin Music
Planetarium Freiburg
The International Astronomical Union-Robert Hurt (SSC)
The International Astronomical Union Lars Holm Nielsen
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
Wikimedia commons
The International Astronomical Union, Martin Kornmesser
Thorsten Samesch
Uwe Klingebiel
Duschl & Lirawi 2019/Hintergrund NASA & ESA
Sabine Heinz
Visualisierung: Archiv Planetarium Stuttgart
Planetarium Bochum
Evans&Sutherland/Christoph Hofbauer/Planetarium Hamburg
Fotografenwerk Hamburg NASA Planetarium Hamburg
SON Agency/Planetarium Hamburg
Björn Buddenbohm
NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team
NASA, ESA, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team (STScI)
NASA, ESA/Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team
European Space Agency & NASA
NASA, ESA, and Johan Richard (Caltech, USA) Acknowledgement: Davide de Martin & James Long &
ESA/Hubble & NASA
NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration
Audiovisual Imagineering AVI
Christian Hartmann
Achill Moser und Aaron Moser
Katja Frauenkron
Christoph Hofbauer
Double Dome Films
Falcon Crest Air / Planetarium Hamburg
Matthias Plander
Ronald Kötz
Luna Mira Geiger
Swaantje Güntzel und Andreas Zierhut
Lena von Goedeke
Blake Burton
Die Junge Akademie, Swaantje Güntzel und Andreas Zierhut
Render Area
Viktoriia Popova
sanin pictures
Diana Lim
Katja Frauenkrohn
Exclusion of Liability
The contents published on this website have been carefully researched. However, the Planetarium Hamburg cannot guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided. Under no circumstances will liability be assumed for damages arising from the use of the retrieved information.