Music & CultureSound Journey through the Galaxies

A Musical Expedition through the Universe
by Masako Kamikawa

A Musical Expedition through the Universe by Masako KamikawaSound Journey through the Galaxies

Who hasn't dreamed of lying under the shining stars and listening to the sound of the cosmos? The Japanese concert pianist Masako Kamikawa musically underlines the beauty of the cosmic world and the colourful splendour of foreign galaxies. She creates a new genre, inspired by classical compositions, spherical music and sound effects from the synthesizer.

Embark on a fantastic journey into space with romantic music – including music by Chopin, Rachmaninoff and improvisations on the synthesizer. Take off into the starry sky, past the planets of our solar system and out into the vastness of the universe, accompanied by live music. A fascinating evening to dream about, an experience for the eyes and ears.

Admission: 25 euros, reduced 18 euros. Duration approx. 95 minutes (including break).

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